About Us

ASP Medical Group, a private limited company in Malaysia was established in 2002. Having being certified with an UKAS Accredited ISO 9001:2008 and obtained the MSC status, ASP Medical Group has grown steadily over the years and has established itself as a renown, leading Third Party Administrator (TPA) and Managed Care Organization (MCO) for local corporates as well as Multinational Companies.

ASP Medical Group is principally involved in providing regional third party claims administration ("TPA") services, medical second opinion services, health provider service, healthcare management services and operating a state-of-the-art Electronic Healthcard Network infrastructure to facilitate healthcare claims processing. Among our core products and services:

Integrated Healthcare Benefit Management Solutions, for In Patient and Out Patient
Clinic/Hospital Billing Integration
Complete Clinical/Hospital Management & Work Flow Management
Our focus is to provide medical healthcare services through connective applications and infrastructure for the exchange of transaction information from one computer system to another through the internet, empowered by today technology and linking up the key player in the healthcare sector like clinics, hospitals, insurance company, doctors and patients, to bring an efficient management of health services.

Currently, ASP Medical Group has an established network of more than 1,000 healthcare providers, comprising primary care physicians, secondary care medical centres and tertiary care hospitals. Through these networks of healthcare providers, ASP Medical Group provides its range of services to more than 50 global companies.